TOKEN::MNT (2022)

Audiovisual installation (Sguiglia, Toth, Mustto, Payo)
Beca Creación (FNA). Encuentro de parlantes, Complejo Cultural Cipolletti.

TOKEN::MNT is a collaboration between the contemporary art and experimental archaeology project Token and the data and gesture sonification software El mapa no es el territorio.

TOKEN::MNT is an audiovisual installation. It translates the database that Google maintains on the authors to sound and tokens and tablets, clay figures based on a 5 thousand year old administrative system. The installation is composed of 4 traditional speakers arranged in an ambisonic quadraphony, 8 speakers built using ceramic pots, 12 tablets, 861 tokens and 174,286 data points, mined by Google during the year 2020. Each token represents 60 of the 51,672 interactions with the 6 main services: Android, Search, Analytics, Maps, Advertising and YouTube. Tablets compile them monthly. For the sonification, each day's worth of data lasts 6 seconds. Speakers in the pots sound when any of these interactions happen. The sounds played by the quadraphony respond to 122,614 GPS data.

TOKEN::MNT, Encuentro de parlantes.


Fabián Sguiglia, Fernando Toth, Carlos Mustto, Damián Payo