El mapa no es el territorio (MNT)

NIME 2019. First prize, Fusión 2020.

El mapa no es el territorio (MNT) is an open source application developed in openFrameworks, Python y Max. It helps the user design agile mapping schemes that allow gestural control of sound. These schemes are presented as simple two-dimensional maps.

The tools included in MNT are not intended to exhaust the possibilities of a technique or a set of techniques, but arise from the solution of recurring problems in my projects. MNT modules include both relatively complex tools such as neural networks and dimensional reduction techniques as well as others that are simply based on browsing images created with an external editor. MNT was developed with the support of the SAI2018 grant from UNQ and won the first prize in the Technology Applied to Art and Culture category at Fusión 2020 (ArCiTec + Bienal Kosice).


Executable (Windows x64). Requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for VS 2017


Concatenate for Max for Live


Previous versions
